Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Here are just a few of the things going on in the 812:
1. Beatles Music Festival
Abbey Road On The River is here!!! We can all finally come out from hiding in our yellow submarines and make our way to downtown Jeffersonville for this 4-day Beatles tribute festival. Attendees will need to abide by the concert's Covid guidelines but once inside you'll be treated to dozens of bands playing the live music you've grown to love. The link below will provide full event details including the band schedule, covid guidelines, and ticket information.
9/2-9/6, Times Vary, Tickets Required
2. The Price Is Right at Caesers Indiana
Have you ever wanted to jump out of your seat, run down the aisle with your arms waiving high above your head knowing that you're the next contestant on the Price Is Right? Well now you could have the chance by attending the Price Is Right Live Tour at Caesars of Southern Indiana. This event re-creates the experience of America's most beloved game show. Click the link below and grab your tickets today.
9/3 & 9/4, 8pm, Tickets Required
3. Fossil Dig at Falls of the Ohio
Have you ever wanted to hunt for fossils? Falls of Ohio State Park is giving you that chance. Bring your own trowel or small digging tool and you can dig their collecting piles in search or ancient remains. They'll even help you identify any fossils that you find.
9/6, 3pm-4pm, Free Admission, Parking $2
4. Figure 8 Madness at the Sportsdrome
If you haven't experienced the excitement of figure-8 racing, then you don't know what your missing. Watch as cars speed through the turns of the Sportsdrome's figure-8 racetrack in Clarksville. You'll be holding your breath as drivers cross through the middle and try to avoid the other drivers. The full night or racing will include a special event as County Sheriff candidates Scottie Maples (Clark County) and Scott Bush (Floyd County) will race police cars for local bragging rights.
9/4, Gates open at 530pm, Racing begins at 7pm, Tickets Required
5. Shriners Poker Tournament
The Tri-County Shriners Club in Clarksville is hosting a poker tournament that is open to the public. A $50 buy-in gets you in the game. Food and drink is available along with a cash buyer. More details and registration available at the link below.
9/4, 630pm, Registration and Buy-in Required
A few extra things going on in our area ...
Local Farmer's Markets
Jeffersonville - https://www.jeffmainstreet.org/farmers-market
Floyd's Knobs - https://floydsknobsfm.wixsite.com/website
New Albany - http://www.newalbanyfarmersmarket.com
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